Chapter 10. Designing SOA security for a real-world enterprise


This chapter covers

  • Securing diverse services
  • Deployment architectures
  • Vulnerability management

We started this book by identifying three new approaches—message-level security, security as a service, and policy-driven security—that address the challenges SOA introduces in security.

Part II (chapters 4-7) described all the technologies and standards related to message-level security. Making and verifying identity claims, protecting data confidentiality, and verifying data integrity were described there. Chapter 8 explored the idea of offering security as a service. Chapter 9 focused on declarative, policy-based security.

By now you know enough about SOA security, both technology- and standards-wise. Still, if you want to design SOA security solutions for real-world enterprises, you need to know more. In particular, each enterprise has unique requirements that influence the overall SOA security solution. One enterprise may be concerned about high availability and disaster recovery capabilities, perhaps due to the high cost of application unavailability. Another may be focused on return on investment (ROI) and demand a low-cost solution. As an architect, you should translate these unique needs into technical guidelines.

10.1. Meeting the demands of enterprise IT environments

10.2. Securing diverse services

10.3. Choosing a deployment architecture

10.4. Making the solution industrial-strength

10.5. Vulnerability management

10.6. Summary

Suggestions for further reading
