100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them cover
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100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them is a catalogue of mistakes that may occur in Java programs. Each mistake typically contains a code sample, a description of the mistake, its possible consequences, and the ways to avoid it. Many mistakes are accompanied by sidebars, in which I mention static analysis tools that can detect such a mistake. The appendixes describe ways to enhance existing static analysis tools to detect mistakes specific to your project.

Who should read this book

I believe this book is most useful for middle-level software developers who already know the Java language but may not have enough practical programming experience. Some bug patterns described in the book may be unfamiliar to senior software developers as well. Less-experienced developers or even advanced students might also find this book interesting.

How this book is organized: A road map

The book is organized into 10 chapters and 2 appendices. Chapter 1 explains common approaches used in software engineering to manage code quality and avoid bugs. The subsequent chapters cover various individual mistakes, grouped by category. The mistake sections are mostly independent of each other, so feel free to skip something if you already know the given pattern or feel it’s not applicable to your daily work.

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