Chapter 9. Collaborative and barrier-free development with Groovy and Scala


This chapter covers

  • Approaches for integrating different languages and tools for barrier-free testing
  • Agile and polyglot, with Groovy
  • Scala and BDD, with specs2

In this chapter, we’ll continue to discuss collaborative development and testing. We’ll talk about approaches to integrating different languages for barrier-free programming and testing. In our discussion, I’ll use the term “polyglot,” which means multilingual, to refer to using different languages for software engineering, in conjunction, to solve a given problem.

Polyglot Programming

“Polyglot programming refers to leveraging existing platforms by solving problems via solutions that compose special purpose languages.”—Neal Ford[1]

1 Neal Ford, “Polyglot Programming: Building Solutions by Composing Languages”,

9.1. Agile and polyglot with Groovy

9.2. BDD with specs2 and Scala

9.3. Summary
