Chapter 5. Bindings, observables, and pipes


This chapter covers

  • Working with flavors of data binding
  • Binding to attributes vs. properties
  • Understanding observable data streams
  • Treating events as observable data streams
  • Minimizing network load by canceling unwanted HTTP requests
  • Minimizing manual coding with pipes

The goal of the first four chapters of this book was to jump-start application development with Angular. In those chapters, we discussed how to use property bindings, handle events, and apply directives without providing detailed explanations. In this chapter, we want to take a breather and cover some of these techniques in more detail. You’ll continue writing code in TypeScript, and you’ll see an example of using destructuring syntax while handing events.

5.1. Data binding

Data binding allows you to connect the data from your application with the UI. The data-binding syntax lowers the amount of manual coding. Chapter 2 briefly introduced the data-binding syntax, and you used it in almost every example in the previous chapters. In particular, you’ve seen the following cases:

5.2. Reactive programming and observables

5.3. Pipes

5.4. Hands-on: filtering products in the online auction

5.5. Summary
