Chapter 2. Structuring your AngularJS application


This chapter covers

  • Introduction to Angello
  • How to structure an AngularJS project so it can scale
  • Introducing basic routes and navigation
  • Building the basic structure for starting a web application
  • Some basic best practices for developing AngularJS applications

2.1. Hello Angello

In the previous chapter, using a limited example, you saw how the major pieces of AngularJS fit together to build web applications. Though Angello Lite is a great place to get acquainted with AngularJS, it’s our desire to show you how a non-trivial AngularJS application fits together in the real world. To that end, we’d like to introduce you to the official sample application of the book—Angello.

Why Angello?

One of the first really impressive web applications that we remember seeing was Trello, and it has always had a special place in our hearts. Just as a reminder, Trello is a web application that allows you to organize lists within lists and claims to have “everything you need to organize projects of any size.” That’s why we wanted to use Trello as the inspiration for building out an AngularJS version of Trello for the book, for organizing coding projects. That’s also why it’s fondly called Angello.

The source code for Angello can be found on GitHub at the repository, and you can also check out a live version of Angello at

2.2. AngularJS application structure

2.3. Laying the Angello foundation

2.4. Basic routes and navigation

2.5. A few best practices

2.6. Summary
