About this Book
I assume you bought this book because you want to learn how to make an iOS app but you’ve never done any coding before (that, or you know me and want to support me!). Either way, you’re going to learn a lot and have fun in the process. The book is meant for people who have never written any code, or who have coded a little something but definitely not an iOS app. It also assumes that you have the patience to read the book, try the examples, and then rework the examples if they didn’t work perfectly the first time. That’s a lot of what coding is: debugging. Even the best developers miss things, so don’t get frustrated when your code doesn’t work exactly right the first time. Patience, Grasshopper.
Why iOS apps? If you tell your friends that you’re learning iOS (or Swift, or developing for Apple phones), they may say, “Wow, I heard that was pretty hard. Why don’t you start with something easier?” Your answer can be, “Well, I have an idea for an app, and I have the patience and willingness to learn. Ergo, I will.” People may encourage you to learn something easier, like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, used in web pages and such). That’s all well and good, but you really wanted to learn to create apps for Apple devices (using Swift), so you’re reading this book. I’m here to tell you, you can start with iOS, and you can learn to write apps; and with time, patience, and resolve, you can be an expert someday if you want to be.