Chapter 6. Considerations when building mobile apps


This chapter covers

  • Why you should use single-page applications for Cordova development
  • How to make your application work offline
  • How to support different countries with internationalization and localization
  • How to save data to a device

The previous chapter began—perhaps—a bit roughly. We made it plain that while you now know how to create an application on a device, you don’t yet know how to do it well. That’s an incredibly important distinction.

6.1. Congratulations—you’re a (slightly better) mobile developer!

I hope you agree that—for the most part—Cordova is simple to use. If you have even the tiniest bit of JavaScript knowledge you can easily add support for device features like the camera or accelerometer. But as you saw, making an application that’s easy to use on a device is another matter. The last chapter dealt with the UI design of your applications. This chapter covers another side to the equation—the types of functionality that make up a good Cordova application. Let’s begin with a look at the concept of the single-page application (SPA).

6.2. Single-page applications and you

Let’s begin with a quick overview of how traditional websites work for end users.

6.3. Building offline-ready Cordova applications

6.4. Supporting the entire planet

6.5. Storing data on the device

6.6. Summary
