Chapter 19. Building custom components


This chapter covers

  • Building custom middleware and branching middleware pipelines
  • Using configuration values to set up other configuration providers
  • Replacing the built-in DI container with a third-party container
  • Creating custom Razor Tag Helpers and view components
  • Creating a custom DataAnnotations validation attribute

When you’re building apps with ASP.NET Core, most of your creativity and specialization goes into the services and models that make up your business logic, and the MVC controllers that expose them through views or APIs. Eventually, however, you’re likely to find that you can’t quite achieve a desired feature using the components that come out of the box. At that point, you may need to build a custom component.

This chapter shows how to create ASP.NET Core components that you’re likely to need as your app grows. You probably won’t need to use all of them, but each solves a specific problem you may run into.

19.1. Customizing your middleware pipeline

19.2. Handling complex configuration requirements

19.3. Using a third-party dependency injection container

19.4. Creating a custom Razor Tag Helper

19.5. View components: adding logic to partial views

19.6. Building a custom validation attribute

