7 Using dependency injection to manage services


This chapter covers

  • Understanding the role of dependency injection
  • Examining dependency injection in ASP.NET Core
  • Creating and using your own services
  • Managing service lifetime

Dependency injection (DI) is a software engineering technique included as a feature in many web frameworks these days. Its raison d’être is enabling loose coupling between software components, resulting in code that is less brittle, more adaptable to change, easier to maintain, and easier to test. If you have worked with dependency injection before, all of this will feel familiar to you. In case dependency injection is a new concept to you, this chapter will help by explaining what it is and why you should care.

DI is at the heart of ASP.NET Core. The entire framework uses the built-in DI feature to manage its own dependencies, or services. Services are globally registered within a container when the application starts up and then provided by the container when needed by consumers. You encountered the main entry point to the service container when you looked at Program.cs in chapter 2. It is accessed via the Services property of the WebApplicationBuilder. You will recall that services that comprise the Razor Pages framework are registered with the container via the AddRazorPages method:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.

7.1 The reason for dependency injection

7.1.1 Single-responsibility principle

7.1.2 Loose coupling

7.1.3 Dependency inversion

7.1.4 Dependency injection

7.2 Inversion of control containers

7.2.1 Service registration

7.2.2 Service lifetimes

7.2.3 Captive dependencies
