About this Book
AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive and practical guide to applying AOP and AspectJ in real-world enterprise applications. Although the book focuses on practical applications, it doesn’t skimp on concepts in AOP and constructs in AspectJ. I cover a broad spectrum of solutions—from simple examples that address tracing, monitoring, and policy enforcement to complex ones dealing with caching, concurrency control, transactions, and security. The book also covers how AOP helps improve domain-logic implementation. To make this book immediately useful and provide a practical context of enterprise applications, I use:
- Java (1.6)
- Spring MVC (3.0)
- Log4J (1.2)
- OSCache (2.4)
- JUnit (4.6)
- Eclipse (3.5)
- AspectJ (1.6)
- Spring Security (3.0)
- JPA (1.0)
- EJB (3.0)
- Ant (1.7)
- AJDT (2.0)
- Spring (3.0)
- Spring Batch (2.0)
- Hibernate (3.3)
- Mockito (1.8)
- Maven (2.2)
- SpringSource Tools Suite (2.1)
Regardless of your area of expertise, you’ll find examples that you can use in your work immediately.