Aurelia CLI cheat sheet




au build Transpiles your application, converting your development-time source files (JavaScript/TypeScript) into bundled ES5 files ready to be run in your browser.
au build --env Aurelia applications consist of one or more environments where an environment is a given deployment target. For example, you may have one server to host your application for testing and another for production. By passing the --env flag, you can tell the CLI which environment you wish to target for your build.
au run Builds your Aurelia application, making it available to browse on your local machine (by default at http://localhost:9000.
au run --watch Builds your Aurelia application, runs it, and watches for any changes. Any time you modify a JavaScript file, HTML file, or stylesheet under your source directory, the CLI will rebuild and relaunch the application. This is useful for gaining rapid feedback and development time.
au test Runs all unit tests in your application under the ./test/unit directory, and reports results to the console.
au import Configures a dependency in your aurelia.json file. Even though this can be done manually, this command provides a useful shortcut in the case of common dependencies.
au install Downloads your dependencies via npm, and configures them in your aurelia.json file. This is a superset of the import command.
au generate The CLI includes several templates for common component types. You can use the generate command to instruct the CLI to create a component for you based on one of these templates. You can even create your own generators to save time manually creating other common classes and so on.