Chapter 12. Working with the Table service REST API


This chapter covers

  • Introducing the StorageClient library and REST API
  • Understanding how to effectively modify data
  • Querying the Table service

In the previous chapter, we looked at how to get started with the Table service using the StorageClient library and the WCF Data Services client. In this chapter, we’ll look at the underlying REST API to gain a better understanding of the communication between applications and the Table service.

WCF Data Services is an implementation of the OData protocol. OData defines how to work with and exchange data over REST-based services. The Table service implements OData, and the StorageClient library acts as a WCF Data Services client. Even with these layers of abstraction, understanding how to query and update data using the REST API will help you to truly understand what is happening under the covers when using the WCF Data Services–based Table service API.

Let’s get started by looking at how you can perform operations directly against the REST API.

12.1. Performing storage account operations using REST

12.2. Authenticating requests against the Table service

12.3. Modifying entities with the REST API is CRUD

12.4. Batching data

12.5. Querying data

12.6. Summary
