Chapter 2. BDD—the whirlwind tour


This chapter covers

  • An end-to-end walkthrough of BDD practices in action
  • Discovering features and describing them through stories and examples
  • Using executable specifications to specify features in detail
  • Using low-level BDD to implement features
  • Using BDD test results as living documentation
  • Using living documentation to support ongoing maintenance

In this chapter, we’ll look at a concrete example of how BDD might work on a real-world project. As you saw in the previous chapter, BDD involves the development team engaging in conversations with the customer throughout the project, using examples to build up a more concrete and less ambiguous understanding of what the business really needs. You write specifications in an executable form that you can use to define software requirements, drive their implementation, and validate the product you deliver. You can also apply these techniques during more high-level requirements analysis, helping you focus on the capabilities and features of the application that will genuinely add value to the business.

2.1. Introducing the train timetable application

When you’ve understood and articulated the business goals, you’ll need to work with your business analyst and business stakeholders to decide what software features will be able to achieve these goals. These features are high-level requirements, such as “Provide travellers with optimal itineraries between stations” or “Notify commuters if their train is late.”

When it comes to implementing a story, you get together with your business analyst, developer, and tester to describe the story in terms of concrete examples. Many of these examples will already have been discussed with the business stakeholders. These examples become the acceptance criteria for the story, and they’re expressed in a formal BDD style that you can later automate:

2.2. Determining the value proposition of the application

You can achieve this by working with users and other stakeholders to define or clarify a set of high-level business goals for the application. These goals should provide a concise vision of what you need to build. Business goals are about delivering value, so it’s common to see them expressed in terms of increasing or protecting revenue, or of decreasing costs.

Understanding and defining these goals makes it much easier to determine the relative value of a proposed feature. For example, a feature that notifies commuters if their train is late would contribute to the overall goal, because it would give travellers the opportunity to change their plans accordingly. On the other hand, a feature that lets commuters rate railway stations might not be considered to be of particularly high value.

2.3. Requirements analysis: discovering and understanding features

Once you have a better understanding of the high-level goals of your application, you can work with the stakeholders to determine exactly what they need to achieve these goals. This typically involves defining a set of features that the application will need in order to deliver the value you’re after.

For this chapter, assume you’ve agreed with the stakeholders on the following essential features:

2.4. Implementation: building and delivering features

Once you understand the features your application needs, you have to build them. In this section, we’ll look at the core BDD lifecycle.

You’ll learn how to take the business-focused examples we discussed in the previous section, and rewrite them in the form of executable specifications. You’ll see how you can automate these specifications, and how doing so leads to discovering what code you need to write. And you’ll see how these executable specifications can be a powerful reporting and living-documentation tool.

2.5. Maintenance

In many organizations, the developers who worked on the initial project don’t maintain the application once it goes into production. Instead, the task is handed over to a maintenance or BAU (Business as Usual) team. In this sort of environment, executable specifications and living documentation are a great way to streamline the handover process, as they provide a set of worked examples of the application’s features and illustrations of the code that supports these features.

For larger changes, more work will obviously be involved. But the principle remains the same for modifications of any size. If the change request is a modification of an existing feature, you need to update the automated acceptance criteria to reflect the new requirement. If the change is a bug fix that your current acceptance criteria didn’t catch, then you need to first write new automated acceptance criteria to reproduce the bug, then fix the bug, and finally use the acceptance criteria to demonstrate that the bug has been resolved. And if the change is big enough to make existing acceptance criteria redundant, you can delete the old acceptance criteria and write new ones.

2.6. Summary

In this chapter, you learned about the overall BDD project lifecycle. In particular, you saw the following:

In the following chapters, we’ll discuss each of these themes in much more detail, and we’ll also look at how the approaches we discuss can be put into practice using different tools and technologies.
