Chapter 7. From executable specifications to rock-solid automated acceptance tests


This chapter covers

  • The importance of writing high-quality automated tests
  • Preparing test data for the tests
  • Implementing reliable and sustainable tests

In the next few chapters, we’ll look at turning the automated scenarios we discussed in chapter 6 into fully automated acceptance tests for different types of applications and technologies.

When automated acceptance tests are poorly designed, they can add to the maintenance overhead, costing more to update and fix when new features are added than they contribute in value to the project. For this reason, it’s important to design your acceptance tests well. In this chapter, we’ll look at a number of techniques and patterns that can help you write automated acceptance tests that are meaningful, reliable, and maintainable (see figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1. In this chapter we’ll look at how to make the automated executable specifications robust and maintainable.

7.1. Writing industrial-strength acceptance tests

It’s an important issue, and it’s worth putting in some effort up front to ensure that the time you invest automating your acceptance criteria yields its full fruits over the duration of the project and beyond. Automated tests are like any other kind of code—if you want them to be robust and easy to maintain, you need to put a little effort into their design and write them in a way that’s clear and easy to understand. Writing good automated acceptance tests requires the same software engineering skills and disciplines, and the same level of craftsmanship, as well-written production code. The best automated acceptance tests tend to be the result of a collaborative effort between testers and developers.

It should communicate clearly. Automated acceptance tests are first and foremost communication tools. Wording and semantics are important: the tests need to clearly explain the business behavior they’re demonstrating. They need to explain to stakeholders, business analysts, testers, and other team members what business tasks the application is intended to support, and illustrate how it does so. Ideally, these tests will outlive the development phase of the project and go on to help the maintenance or BAU[1] team understand the project requirements and how they’ve been implemented.

1 Business as Usual—the team that takes care of applications once they’re deployed into production. In many organizations, this is a different team than the one developing the project.

7.2. Automating your test setup process

Before you can automate any acceptance criteria, you need to make sure the system is in a correct and well-known initial state. Also, many automated acceptance criteria—particularly the end-to-end variety—will need to refer to or update data in a database. Some tests may need other services or resources, such as file systems or remote web services, to be initialized and configured. In order to have effective automated acceptance criteria, you need to be able to set up all of these things quickly, precisely, and automatically (see figure 7.4).

If your automated acceptance criteria use a database at all, you should reserve a dedicated database instance for them. Try to ensure that the database configuration is as close to the production one as possible. It’s also a bad idea to use a database that’s shared by developers or testers; it should be reserved for the exclusive use of your automated acceptance criteria.

7.3. Separating the what from the how

Yet when many teams start automating their acceptance criteria, this is exactly what happens. Often a small change in a single commonly used web page will break a large swath of tests, and developers will need to fix each test individually before the test suite can work again. This is thankless, unproductive work that does little to encourage the team to automate more acceptance tests.

When you write automated acceptance criteria, using layers can help you isolate the more volatile, low-level implementation details of your tests from the higher level, more stable business rules. High-level business rules tend to be relatively stable, and changes to them will be driven by the business rather than by technical constraints. Lower-level implementation details, such as screen layouts, field names, and how a low-level library is called, tend to change more frequently. When changes do happen at the lower implementation levels, the impact on the automated acceptance criteria should be minimal.

7.4. Summary

In this chapter you learned how to structure your automated acceptance criteria:

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to write automated acceptance tests that exercise a web interface.
