5 Pretraining on Unlabeled Data


This chapter covers

  • Computing the training and validation set losses to assess the quality of LLM-generated text during training
  • Implementing a training function and pretraining the LLM
  • Saving and loading model weights to continue training an LLM
  • Loading pretrained weights from OpenAI

In the previous chapters, we implemented the data sampling, attention mechanism and coded the LLM architecture. The core focus of this chapter is to implement a training function and pretrain the LLM, as illustrated in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 A mental model of the three main stages of coding an LLM, pretraining the LLM on a general text dataset and finetuning it on a labeled dataset. This chapter focuses on pretraining the LLM, which includes implementing the training code, evaluating the performance, and saving and loading model weights.

As illustrated in Figure 5.1, we will also learn about basic model evaluation techniques to measure the quality of the generated text, which is a requirement for optimizing the LLM during the training process. Moreover, we will discuss how to load pretrained weights, giving our LLM a solid starting point for finetuning in the upcoming chapters.

5.1 Evaluating generative text models

5.1.1 Using GPT to generate text

5.1.2 Calculating the text generation loss

5.1.3 Calculating the training and validation set losses

5.2 Training an LLM

5.3 Decoding strategies to control randomness

5.3.1 Temperature scaling

5.3.2 Top-k sampling

5.3.3 Modifying the text generation function

5.4 Loading and saving model weights in PyTorch

5.5 Loading pretrained weights from OpenAI

5.6 Summary
