2 Search problems


“Search” is such a broad term that this entire book could be called Classic Search Problems in Java. This chapter is about core search algorithms that every programmer should know. It does not claim to be comprehensive, despite the declaratory title.

2.1 DNA search

Genes are commonly represented in computer software as a sequence of the characters A, C, G, and T. Each letter represents a nucleotide, and the combination of three nucleotides is called a codon. This is illustrated in figure 2.1. A codon codes for a specific amino acid that together with other amino acids can form a protein. A classic task in bioinformatics software is to find a particular codon within a gene.

2.1.1 Storing DNA

We can represent a nucleotide as a simple enum with four cases.

Listing 2.1 Gene.java

package chapter2;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class Gene {

   public enum Nucleotide {
       A, C, G, T
Figure 2.1 A nucleotide is represented by one of the letters A, C, G, and T. A codon is composed of three nucleotides, and a gene is composed of multiple codons.

Codons can be defined as a combination of three Nucleotides. The constructor for the Codon class converts a String of three letters into a Codon. To implement search methods, we will need to be able to compare one Codon to another. Java has an interface for that, Comparable.

2.1.2 Linear search

2.1.3 Binary search

2.1.4 A generic example

2.2 Maze solving

2.2.1 Generating a random maze

2.2.2 Miscellaneous maze minutiae

2.2.3 Depth-first search

2.2.4 Breadth-first search

2.2.5 A* search

2.3 Missionaries and cannibals

2.3.1 Representing the problem
