Chapter 4. Graph problems


A graph is an abstract mathematical construct that is used for modeling a real-world problem by dividing the problem into a set of connected nodes. We call each of the nodes a vertex and each of the connections an edge. For instance, a subway map can be thought of as a graph representing a transportation network. Each of the dots represents a station, and each of the lines represents a route between two stations. In graph terminology, we would call the stations “vertices” and the routes “edges.”

Why is this useful? Not only do graphs help us abstractly think about a problem, they also let us apply several well-understood and performant search and optimization techniques. For instance, in the subway example, suppose we want to know the shortest route from one station to another. Or, suppose we wanted to know the minimum amount of track needed to connect all of the stations. Graph algorithms that you will learn in this chapter can solve both of those problems. Further, graph algorithms can be applied to any kind of network problem—not just transportation networks. Think of computer networks, distribution networks, and utility networks. Search and optimization problems across all of these spaces can be solved using graph algorithms.

4.1. Building a graph framework

4.2. Finding the shortest path

4.3. Minimizing the cost of building the network

4.4. Finding shortest paths in a weighted graph

4.5. Real-world applications

4.6. Exercises
