Cloud Native Patterns: Designing change-tolerant software cover
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Who should read this book

Going to “the cloud” is more about how you design your applications than where you deploy them. Cloud-Native Patterns: Designing Change-Tolerant Software is your guide to developing strong applications that thrive in the dynamic, distributed, virtual world of the cloud. This book presents a mental model for cloud-native applications, along with the patterns, practices, and tooling that support their construction. In it, you’ll find realistic examples and expert advice for working with apps, data, services, routing, and more.

Fundamentally, this is an architecture book, with code examples to support the design-related discussions contained therein. You’ll find that I often make reference to differences between the patterns I cover here and the way that we might have done things in the past. Having experience or even knowledge of the patterns of the prior era is, however, not required. Because I’m covering not only the patterns themselves, but also the motivations for them and the nuances of the context in which they’re applied, you should find significant value regardless of your number of years in software.

How this book is organized: A roadmap


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