Code Like a Pro in Rust cover
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Thanks for purchasing the MEAP for Code Like a Pro in Rust. Rust is one of the most loved programming languages for good reason, and I’m confident you’ll love it too once you’ve learned how to get past the prickly

To get the most out of this book, you should be familiar with the Rust programming language, but you need not be an expert. It would be helpful, for your benefit, if you consider yourself an expert in at least one other programming language. If you are an expert in Rust, some of this book may be redundant, but there are plenty of fresh new ideas in this book for you, too.

This is not an introductory book for the Rust language; this book is for those who’ve learned the basics of the language and want to fast forward past the bang-your-head-in-frustration phase of learning a new programming language. If you’re new to programming in general, you may find this book quite challenging, and while I won’t discourage you from reading it, you may find it difficult to follow.
