1 Feelin’ Rusty


This chapter covers

  • Introducing Rust
  • Surveying the language and its purpose
  • Comparing Rust to other programming languages
  • Getting the most out of this book

This book will help beginner-to-intermediate Rust developers get up to speed on the language, tooling, data structures, memory management, testing, asynchronous programming, and best practices as quickly as possible. By the end of this book, you should feel confident building production-grade software systems with idiomatic—or Rustaceous—Rust. This book is not an exhaustive reference of the Rust language or its tooling; instead, it focuses solely on the good stuff.

Rust offers compelling features for those looking to build fast, safe programs. Some people find Rust’s learning curve a bit steep, and this book can help overcome the challenging parts, clarify Rust’s core concepts, and provide actionable advice.

The book is written for those already familiar with the Rust programming language. Additionally, it will be of much benefit to the reader to have experience with other system-level programming languages, such as C, C++, and Java. You need not be an expert in Rust to get value out of this book, but I won’t spend much time reviewing basic syntax, history, or programming concepts.

1.1 What’s Rust?

1.2 What’s unique about Rust?

1.2.1 Rust is safe

1.2.2 Rust is modern

1.2.3 Rust is pure open source

1.2.4 Rust vs. other popular languages

1.3 When should you use Rust?

1.3.1 Rust use cases

1.4 Tools you’ll need

