4 Designing effective dialog


In this chapter, you will learn:

  • How to write dialog supporting your process flows
  • How to write dialog with tone, empathy, and variety
  • How to keep dialog on track without being rude, to increase your chances of a successful process flow
  • How to ask questions that increase your chances of getting a useful response
  • How to respond to conversational mishaps, which may result in a communications transfer to a human agent

In the previous chapter, you learned how to design effective processes that your virtual assistant will implement.  After you design all the flow charts and user-to-system interactions, you need to breathe life into them by writing the actual dialog text your assistant will read or speak.

Figure 4.1 Motivating example for the chapter.  This is a good process flow, but what will the assistant actually say at each of these prompts? How can we prime users to answer questions in a way that moves us through this process?  What tone will the assistant use at each prompt?
Diagram Description automatically generated

4.1       How to write dialog

4.1.1   Conversational tone

4.1.2   Don’t repeat yourself (too much)

4.1.3   Acknowledge the user

4.1.4   Handling chit-chat

4.2       How to ask questions

4.3       What if the assistant doesn’t understand?

4.3.1   Reprompting

4.3.2   Disambiguation

4.3.3   Escalation

4.4       Summary
