When our business logic involves advanced data processing, the generic data manipulation functions provided by the language run time and by third-party libraries might not be sufficient. Instead of mixing the details of data manipulation with business logic, we can write our own generic data manipulation functions and implement our custom business logic using them. Separating business logic from the internal details of data manipulation makes the business logic code concise and easy to read for other developers.
Dave is more and more autonomous on the Klafim project. He can implement most features on his own, typically turning to Theo only for code reviews. Dave’s code quality standards are quite high. Even when his code is functionally solid, he tends to be unsatisfied with its readability. Today, he asks for Theo’s help in improving the readability of the code that fixes a bug Theo introduced a long time ago.
DAVE I think I have a found a bug in the code that returns book information from the Open Library API.