• what deep learning is and how it is related to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning,
  • what makes deep learning stand out among various machine learning techniques and the factors that led to the current “deep learning revolution”,
  • the reasons for doing deep learning in JavaScript, using TensorFlow.js,
  • the overall organization of this book.
  • 1.1  Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks and deep learning

    1.1.1  Artificial intelligence

    1.1.2  Machine learning: How it differs from traditional programming

    1.1.3  Neural networks and deep learning

    1.1.4  Why deep learning? Why now?

    1.2  Why combine JavaScript and machine learning

    1.2.1  Why TensorFlow.js?

    1.2.2  What this book will and will not teach you about TensorFlow.js

    1.3  Summary

    1.4  Exercises
