Chapter 7. Visualizing data and models


This chapter covers

  • How to use tfjs-vis to perform custom data visualization
  • How to peek at the internal workings of models after they are trained and gain useful insights

Visualization is an important skill for machine-learning practitioners because it is involved in every phase of the machine-learning workflow. Before we build models, we examine our data by visualizing it; during model engineering and training, we monitor the training process through visualization; after the model is trained, we use visualization to get a sense about how it works.

In chapter 6, you learned the benefits of visualizing and understanding data before applying machine learning on it. We described how to use Facets, a browser-based tool that helps you get a quick, interactive look at your data. In this chapter, we will introduce a new tool, tfjs-vis, which helps you visualize your data in custom, programmatic ways. The benefit of doing so, versus just looking at the data in its raw format or using off-the-shelf tools such as Facets, is the more flexible and versatile visualization paradigm and the deeper understanding of data that it leads to.

7.1. Data visualization

7.2. Visualizing models after training

Materials for further reading and exploration


