Chapter 8. Underfitting, overfitting, and the universal workflow of machine learning


This chapter covers

  • Why it is important to visualize the model-training process and what the important things are to look for
  • How to visualize and understand underfitting and overfitting
  • The primary way of dealing with overfitting: regularization, and how to visualize its effect
  • What the universal workflow of machine learning is, what steps it includes, and why it is an important recipe that guides all supervised machine-learning tasks

In the previous chapter, you learned how to use tfjs-vis to visualize data before you start designing and training machine-learning models for it. This chapter will start where that one left off and describe how tfjs-vis can be used to visualize the structure and metrics of models during their training. The most important goal in doing so is to spot the all-important phenomena of underfitting and overfitting. Once we can spot them, we’ll delve into how to remedy them and how to verify that our remedying approaches are working using visualization.

8.1. Formulation of the temperature-prediction problem

8.2. Underfitting, overfitting, and countermeasures

8.3. The universal workflow of machine learning


