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Welcome to Deep Learning with PyTorch!

Eli and Luca here. We’re ecstatic to have you with us. No, really — it’s a big deal for us, both terrifying and exhilarating. So, thanks!

Our best wish for this book is that it’ll help you develop your own intuition and stimulate your curiosity. PyTorch is an amazing library; it will give you new powers if you give it a few hours of your time.

We’re having a lot of fun writing this book, but it’d be pretty lame if we are the only ones having fun. We’re looking forward to being able to hear directly from you about what you like about the book, and what still needs work. We’re adamant that the manuscript be as clear and of as much practical utility as possible, so please reach out. We want to know how you feel about the book, both good and bad. The good will give us fuel for the journey, while the bad keeps us out of the weeds.

One note, at the time of this writing the released version of PyTorch is 1.1. The May MEAP lockdown date was only a day or two after the PyTorch 1.1 release, so as of this version of the book, we’re still using PyTorch 1.0 (we expect there won’t be any changes needed, but we haven’t tested that yet). Be aware that if you’re trying to run the examples against a more recent PyTorch version than we’ve used you might run into some issues. We’ll get those cleared up as soon as we can.

In the meantime, enjoy the book, say "hi!" on the liveBook's Discussion Forum, and we’ll chat again soon!

—Eli and Luca, September 2019
