Chapter 9. Conclusions


This chapter covers

  • Important takeaways from this book
  • The limitations of deep learning
  • The future of deep learning, machine learning, and AI
  • Resources for learning further and working in the field

You’ve almost reached the end of this book. This last chapter will summarize and review core concepts while also expanding your horizons beyond the relatively basic notions you’ve learned so far. Understanding deep learning and AI is a journey, and finishing this book is merely the first step on it. I (François) want to make sure you realize this and are properly equipped to take the next steps of this journey on your own.

I’ll start with a bird’s-eye view of what you should take away from this book. This should refresh your memory regarding some of the concepts you’ve learned. Next, I’ll present an overview of some key limitations of deep learning. To use a tool appropriately, you should not only understand what it can do but also be aware of what it can’t do. Finally, I’ll offer some speculative thoughts about the future evolution of the fields of deep learning, machine learning, and AI. This should be especially interesting to you if you’d like to get into fundamental research. The chapter ends with a short list of resources and strategies for learning further about AI and staying up to date with new advances.

9.1. Key concepts in review


9.2. The limitations of deep learning


9.3. The future of deep learning


9.4. Staying up to date in a fast-moving field


9.5. Final words


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