About this Book
This book is a both a primer and a how-to on the application of key principles of psychology to design. You don’t need to have a background in psychology to understand the concepts covered in this book. My purpose is to show students and practitioners of design, and those working with designers, how you can use psychology to enhance the usability of your product. If you’re already familiar with psychology, this book should provide concrete examples of how to address psychological models of behavior and persuasion you might already have familiarity with in your design. For every principle, I provide multiple examples and stories on how the principle’s components apply to design practitioners. I also provide a more in-depth case study of a specific digital property for each principle. Note that, with the exception of Intuitive Company, I have not had a professional relationship with any of the companies whose products I use as examples in this book.
This book is a guide to increasing users’ interest and engagement with your design. You’ll see how to convince users to make purchases and recommend your design to others, and how to maximize efficiency for both designers and users.