2 Why a Data Platform and not just a Data Warehouse


This chapter covers

  • Answering “Why a data platform and not just a data warehouse?” and “Why build your data platform in the cloud?”
  • Comparing a data platform to a data warehouse-only using a real world example
  • Comparing differences in processing structured and semi-structured data in data warehouse and a data platform
  • Comparing cloud costs for a data warehouse and data platform implementations

Now that we’ve covered off what a data platform is, what is driving the need for a data platform and how changes in data will shape your data platform, we will explore in more detail why a cloud data platform provides more capabilities as opposed to a data warehouse only architecture. In this chapter we will equip you with the knowledge necessary to make a solid argument for a data platform and will walk you through several examples demonstrating the difference between the two approaches (data warehouse only and data platform).

2.1    Cloud Data Platforms and Cloud Warehouses. The practical aspects

2.1.1 A closer look at the data sources

 2.1.2   An example cloud data warehouse-only architecture

2.1.3 An example cloud data platform architecture

2.2    Ingesting data

2.2 1 Ingesting data directly into an Azure SQL Warehouse

2.2 2 Ingesting data into an Azure data platform

2.2.3 Managing changes in upstream data sources

2.3    Processing data

2.3.1 Processing data in the warehouse

2.3.2 Processing data in data platform

2.4    Accessing data

2.5    Cloud costs considerations

2.6    Summary
