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Django in Action was written to help you learn how to use Django to build multiuser websites. Throughout the book, you’ll be building RiffMates, a musicians’ classifieds site. You’ll start by creating a basic site with a few simple pages and eventually progress to multiuser capabilities.

How this book is organized: A roadmap

The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 gives the basic structure of all Django projects, teaching you how to get started.

  • Chapter 1 provides a background on how Django sites work and introduces you to the differences between writing with a framework and writing using a library.
  • Chapter 2 gets you started writing code, showing you how to create your first project and build your first web page.
  • Chapter 3 does a deep dive into the Django Template Engine, which allows you to compose and re-use HTML, like you would with object-oriented code.
  • Chapter 4 is all about the object relational mapping (ORM), an abstraction to a database, giving you the ability to write Python classes to interact with database tables and queries.
  • Chapter 5 shows you the Django Admin, an out-of-the-box web tool for administering ORM classes. This includes both those you write and those which are built-in, such as the user management classes.

Once through part 1, you’ll have enough to build your own single-user site. Part 2 introduces you to more advanced features in Django, including multiuser sites, accepting user content, testing, and the database migration system.

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