Chapter 10. Running customized registries


This chapter covers

  • Working directly with the Registry API
  • Building a central registry
  • Registry authentication tools
  • Configuring a registry for scale
  • Integrating through notifications

Chapter 9 covers several methods of distributing Docker images, one of them involving running a Docker registry. A Docker registry is a flexible image distribution component that’s useful on its own or as part of larger complex systems. For that reason, understanding how to configure your own registry will help you get the most out of Docker.

Someone developing software that integrates with a Docker registry may want to run a local instance to develop against. They might also use it as a staging environment for their project. A development team might deploy their own central registry to share their work and streamline integrations. A company may run one or more centralized registries that are backed by durable artifact storage. These could be used to control external image dependencies or for managing deployment artifacts. Figure 10.1 illustrates these configurations. This chapter covers all these use cases, scaling approaches, and an introduction to the Registry API itself. By the end of this chapter you will be able to launch an appropriately configured registry for any use case.

Figure 10.1. Registry configurations ranging from personal to reliable, scalable, and integrated

10.1. Running a personal registry

10.2. Enhancements for centralized registries

10.3. Durable blob storage

10.4. Scaling access and latency improvements

10.5. Integrating through notifications

10.6. Summary
