Chapter 14. Docker and security


This chapter covers

  • The security Docker offers out of the box
  • What Docker has done to help make it more secure
  • What other parties are doing about it
  • What other steps can be taken to ameliorate security concerns
  • How to manage user Docker permissions with an aPaaS, potentially in a multi-tenant environment

As Docker makes clear in its documentation, access to the Docker API implies access to root privileges, which is why Docker must often be run with sudo, or the user must be added to a user group (which might be called “docker”, or “dockerroot”) that allows access to the Docker API.

In this chapter we’re going to look at the issue of security in Docker.

14.1. Docker access and what it means

You may be wondering what sort of damage a user can do if they can run Docker. As a simple example, the following command (don’t run it!) would delete all the binaries in /sbin on your host machine (if you took out the bogus --donotrunme flag):

docker run --donotrunme -v /sbin:/sbin busybox rm -rf /sbin

It’s worth pointing out that this is true even if you’re a non-root user.

The following command will show you the contents of the secure shadow password file from the host system:

docker run -v /etc/shadow:/etc/shadow busybox cat /etc/shadow

14.2. Security measures in Docker

14.3. Securing access to Docker

14.4. Security from outside Docker

