4 Controls


This chapter covers

  • What is meant by the broad term view
  • Built-in cross-platform controls that are abstracted for use in .NET MAUI apps
  • Displaying collections or lists of data using templated views
  • Using common modifiers to change the appearance of views
  • Adding views and updating their functionality

Controls are views that either directly render something onscreen (like an Image or a Label) or take input from a user (like a CheckBox or DatePicker). Roughly 30 controls ship with .NET MAUI out of the box, covering all the common use cases for UI applications. We’ve already used several of them in our apps and seen how they work, such as Image, Label, and Entry.

In addition, the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit and free and commercial UI kits provide a range of additional controls and stylized or customizable versions of the built-in controls. And, of course, you can build your own controls, as we see in chapter 11.

4.1 What do we mean by “views”?

4.2 Cross-platform controls

4.2.1 Displaying information

4.2.2 Accepting input

4.2.3 Accepting commands

4.2.4 Displaying graphics

4.3 Displaying lists and collections

4.3.1 CollectionView

4.3.2 ListView

4.3.3 CarouselView and IndicatorView

4.3.4 TableView

4.4 Common properties and control modifiers

4.4.1 Height and Width

4.4.2 Clipping

4.4.3 Borders

4.4.4 Shadows
