About this Book
EJB 3 is meant to recast Java server-side development into a mold you might not expect. And so have we tried to make this an EJB book you might not anticipate.
Most server-side Java books tend to be serious affairs—heavy on theory, slightly preachy, and geared toward the advanced developer. Nine out of ten EJB 2.x books follow this pattern. While we easily fit the stereotype of geeks and aren’t the funniest comedians or entertainers, we have tried to add some color to our writing to keep this book as lighthearted and down-to-earth as possible. The tone is intended to be friendly, conversational, and informal. We made a conscious effort to drive the chapter content with examples that are close to the real world problems you deal with every day. In most cases, we introduce a problem that needs to be solved, show you the code to solve it using EJB 3, and explore features of the technology using the code as a crutch.