Chapter 4. Event stream processing with Amazon Kinesis


This chapter covers

  • Amazon Kinesis, a fully managed unified log service
  • Systems monitoring as a unified log use case
  • Using the AWS CLI tools to work with Kinesis
  • Building simple Kinesis producers and consumers in Python

So far in this book, we have worked exclusively with Apache Kafka as our unified log. Because it is an open source technology, we have had to set up and configure Kafka and its dependencies (such as ZooKeeper) ourselves. This has given us great insight into how a unified log works “under the hood,” but some of you may be wondering whether there is an alternative that is not so operationally demanding. Can we outsource the operation of our unified log to a third party, without losing the great qualities of the unified log?

The answer is a qualified yes. This chapter introduces Amazon Kinesis (, a hosted unified log service available as part of Amazon Web Services. Developed internally at Amazon to solve its own challenges around log collection at scale, Kinesis has extremely similar semantics to Kafka—along with subtle differences that we will tease out in this chapter.

4.1. Writing events to Kinesis

4.2. Reading from Kinesis

