2. Chapter 9: Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin


9.1. Spring Cloud Sleuth and the correlation ID

9.1.1. Adding Spring Cloud sleuth to licensing and organization

9.1.2. Anatomy of a Spring Cloud Sleuth trace

9.2. Log aggregation and Spring Cloud Sleuth

9.2.1. A Spring Cloud Sleuth/Papertrail implementation in action

9.2.2. Create a Papertrail account and configure a syslog connector

9.2.3. Redirecting Docker output to Papertrail

9.2.4. Searching for Spring Cloud Sleuth trace IDs in Papertrail

9.2.5. Adding the correlation ID to the HTTP response with Zuul

9.3. Distributed tracing with Open Zipkin

9.3.1. Setting up the Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin dependencies

9.3.2. Configuring the services to point to Zipkin

9.3.3. Installing and configuring a Zipkin server

9.3.4. Setting tracing levels

9.3.5. Using Zipkin to trace transactions

9.3.6. Visualizing a more complex transaction

9.3.7. Capturing messaging traces

9.3.8. Adding custom spans


What’s inside:
