4 Inputs from Containers and Kubernetes
This chapter covers
- Running different ways we can capture events from containerized apps
- Investigating how we can observe containers and Kubernetes itself
- Discussing deployment patterns and tools to power our monitoring.
- Evaluating techniques for enriching the captured events to offer context to logs.
In the last chapter, we looked at a variety of input plugins that can be used in cloud native and traditional deployments. These inputs have provided insights into applications and the environments in which they are deployed, whether bare metal, virtual machine, or container. We haven’t considered until now how the software and infrastructure in which we deploy containers and orchestrate them with Kubernetes can be a source of signals (logs, metrics, and traces).
Let’s use our architecture diagram to orient ourselves. As Figure 4.1 shows, we’re still on the top layer of our diagram. This reflects the importance of the ability to ingest events. Without that, Fluent Bit’s value becomes rather limited.
Figure 4.1 Logical architecture of Fluent Bit, with this chapter's focus highlighted.
Containerized environments and container orchestration need us to consider several different perspectives: