Thank you for purchasing my book, Functional Design and Architecture!
My goal was to write a book that could become one of those great books on software engineering we all know and love. This time on functional programming! The knowledge I believe we lacked for so long.
This is the second edition of my book which means I made it much better. It’s better structured, better worded, filled with new insights, and packed with new practical information I left uncovered in the first edition. The surface of software design in functional programming is so vast and unexplored that even a big book like this won’t be enough to cover it all. But I’m pretty sure it is able to change the way we work and the way we reason about our programs.
I hope you’ll find my book useful and enjoyable. I will be happy to know your thoughts and get your questions! I appreciate any feedback. Please post your comments and suggestions in the liveBook discussion forum. The author and the reader are best friends!
—Alexander Granin