Chapter 7. Vector analysis with OGR


This chapter covers

  • Determining if geometries share a spatial location
  • Proximity relationships between geometries

Now you know how to access existing data and how to build your own geometries from scratch, but I see these as gateways to the more interesting task of spatial analysis. Without analysis capabilities, spatial data is only useful for making maps. Good cartography is essential for many things, but I imagine that even cartographers would get bored if new datasets weren’t continually created from various types of analyses. Plus, spatial analyses can answer countless questions relating to pretty much every discipline. In fact, you’re probably more likely to generate new data using the analysis functions described in this chapter than by creating geometries vertex by vertex as outlined previously in nauseating detail.

7.1. Overlay tools: what’s on top of what?

7.2. Proximity tools: how far apart are things?

7.3. Example: locating areas suitable for wind farms

7.4. Example: animal tracking data

7.5. Summary
