Part 1. Background


This part of the book covers background and gives you an introduction to GitOps and Kubernetes.

Chapter 1 walks you through the journey of software deployment evolution and how GitOps became the latest practice. It also covers the many key concepts and benefits of GitOps.

Chapter 2 provides key concepts of Kubernetes and why its declarative nature is perfect for GitOps. It also covers the core operator concept and how to implement a simple GitOps operator.

After you grasp the core concepts of GitOps and Kubernetes, you will be ready to dive into the patterns and processes required to adopt GitOps in your deployments. Part 2 covers the GitOps CI/CD pipeline along with environment setup and promotion as well as different deployment strategies. It also covers how you can secure your deployment process and reviews several configuration management tools and various techniques to manage Secrets in GitOps. There is also a chapter devoted to observability as it is related to GitOps.
