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About this Book


Go in Practice is a book about practical development using the Go programming language. Developers already familiar with the basics of Go will find patterns and techniques for creating Go applications. Chapters are organized around central themes (for example, chapter 10, “Communicating between cloud services”), but then explore a variety of techniques related to that theme.

How the book is organized

The 11 chapters are divided into four parts.

Part 1, “Background and fundamentals,” provides a foundation for building applications. Chapter 1 provides the background of Go for those not already familiar with it or those with a passing understanding who would like to learn more. Building console applications and servers is the topic of chapter 2, and concurrency in Go is the topic of chapter 3.

Part 2, “Well-rounded applications,” contains chapters 4 and 5. These chapters cover errors, panics, debugging, and testing. The goal of this section is to build applications you trust that handle problems well.

Part 3, “An interface for your applications,” contains three chapters with topics ranging from generating HTML and to serving assets to providing and working with APIs. Many Go applications provide web applications and REST APIs for interaction. These chapters cover patterns to aid in their construction.

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