Chapter 1. Introduction to project automation


This chapter covers

  • Understanding the benefits of project automation
  • Getting to know different types of project automation
  • Surveying the characteristics and architecture of build tools
  • Exploring the pros and cons of build tool implementations

Tom and Joe work as software developers for Acme Enterprises, a startup company that offers a free online service for finding the best deals in your area. The company recently received investor funding and is now frantically working toward its first official launch. Tom and Joe are in a time crunch. By the end of next month, they’ll need to present a first version of the product to their investors. Both developers are driven individuals, and they pump out features daily. So far, development of the software has stayed within the time and budget constraints, which makes them happy campers. The chief technology officer (CTO) pats them on the back; life is good. However, the manual and error-prone build and delivery process slows them down significantly. As a result, the team has to live with sporadic compilation issues, inconsistently built software artifacts, and failed deployments. This is where build tools come in.

1.1. Life without project automation

My IDE does the job. At Acme, developers do all their coding within the IDE, from navigating through the source code, implementing new features, and compiling and refactoring code, to running unit and integration tests. Whenever new code is developed, they press the Compile button. If the IDE tells them that there’s no compilation error and the tests are passing, they check the code into version control so it can be shared with the rest of the team. The IDE is a powerful tool, but every developer will need to install it first with a standardized version to be able to perform all of these tasks, a lesson Joe learns when he uses a new feature only supported by the latest version of the compiler.

Deployment turns into a marathon. From experience, the team knows that the outcome of deploying an application is unpredictable due to unforeseen problems. The infrastructure and runtime environment has to be set up, the database has to be prepared with seed data, the actual deployment of the application has to happen, and initial health monitoring needs to be performed. Of course, the team has an action plan in place, but each of the steps has to be executed manually.

1.2. Benefits of project automation

This story makes clear how vital project automation is for team success. These days, time to market has become more important than ever. Being able to build and deliver software in a repeatable and consistent way is key. Let’s look at the benefits of automating your project.

1.3. Types of project automation

You saw at the beginning of this chapter that a user can request a build to be run. A user can be any stakeholder who wants to trigger the build, like a developer, a QA team member, or a product owner. Our friend Tom, for example, pressed the Compile button in his IDE whenever he wanted the code to be compiled. On-demand automation is only one type of project automation. You can also schedule your build to be executed at predefined times or when a specific event occurs.

1.4. Build tools

Naturally, you may ask yourself why you’d need another tool to implement automation for your project. You could just write the logic as an executable script, such as a shell script. Think back to the goals of project automation we discussed earlier. You want a tool that allows you to create a repeatable, reliable, and portable build without manual intervention. A shell script wouldn’t be easily portable from a UNIX-based system to a Windows-based system, so it doesn’t meet your criteria.

1.5. Java build tools

In this section, we look at two popular, Java-based build tools: Ant and Maven. We’ll discuss their characteristics, see a sample script in action, and outline the shortcomings of each tool. Let’s start with the tool that’s been around the longest—Ant.

1.6. Summary

A build tool is one of the enablers for project automation. It allows you to declare the ordered set of rules that you want to execute when initiating a build. We discussed the moving parts of a build tool by analyzing its anatomy. The build engine (the build tool executable) processes the rule set defined in the build script and translates it into executable tasks. Each task may require input data to get its job done. As a result, a build output is produced. The dependency manager is an optional component of the build tool architecture that lets you declare references to external libraries that your build process needs to function correctly.

We saw the materialized characteristics of build tools in action by taking a deeper look at two popular Java build tool implementations: Ant and Maven. Ant provides a very flexible and versatile way of defining your build logic, but doesn’t provide guidance on a standard project layout or sensible defaults to tasks that repeat over and over in projects. It also doesn’t come with an out-of-the-box dependency manager, which requires you to manage external dependencies yourself. Maven, on the other hand, follows the convention over configuration paradigm by supporting sensible default configuration for your project as well as a standardized build lifecycle. Automated dependency management for external libraries and between Maven projects is a built-in feature. Maven falls short on easy extensibility for custom logic and support for nonconventional project layouts and tasks. You learned that an advanced build tool needs to find a middle ground between flexibility and configurable conventions to support the requirements of modern-day software projects.
