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about this book


Graph Neural Networks in Action is a book designed for people to jump quickly into this new field and start building applications. At the same time, we try to strike a balance by including just enough critical theory to make this book as standalone as possible. We also fill in implementation details that may not be obvious or are left unexplained in the currently available online tutorials and documents. In particular, information about new and emerging topics is very likely to be fragmented. This fragmentation adds friction when implementing and testing new technologies.

With Graph Neural Networks in Action, we offer a book that can reduce that friction by filling in the gaps and answering key questions whose answers are likely scattered over the internet or not covered at all. We’ve done so in a way that emphasizes approachability rather than high rigor.

Who should read this book

This book is designed for machine learning engineers and data scientists familiar with neural networks but new to graph learning. If you have experience in object-oriented programming, you’ll find the concepts particularly accessible and applicable.

How this book is organized: A road map


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