10 Using GraphQL APIs with Apollo client


This chapter covers

  • Using Apollo Client in plain JavaScript and React
  • Understanding Apollo’s links and cache
  • Using Apollo’s hook functions for queries and mutations
  • Managing local app state with Apollo
  • Implementing and using GraphQL subscriptions over WebSockets

Shortly after GraphQL implementations started getting attention on GitHub, another class of GraphQL libraries began to attract notice as well: client libraries.

GraphQL client libraries are designed to manage communications between frontend applications and backend GraphQL services. A client library abstracts the tasks of asking a GraphQL service for data, instructing it to do mutations, and making its data responses available to the view layer of a frontend application.

Just as a GraphQL service can be thought of as an agent that does all the communication with your databases, a GraphQL client can be thought of as an agent that does all the communication with your GraphQL services.

Many GraphQL client libraries also have server components to enrich the server experience and support common frontend application requirements like caching, paginating through lists, and using real-time data.

10.1 Using Apollo Client with JavaScript


10.1.1 Making a query request


10.1.2 Making a mutation request


10.2 Using Apollo Client with React


10.2.1 Using the query and mutate methods directly


10.2.2 Including authentication headers


10.2.3 Using Apollo hook functions


10.2.4 Using the automatic cache


10.2.5 Manually updating the cache


10.2.6 Performing operations conditionally


10.3 Managing local app state


10.4 Implementing and using GraphQL subscriptions


10.4.1 Polling and refetching


10.4.2 Implementing subscriptions


10.4.3 Apollo Server


10.4.4 Using subscriptions in UIs




Wrapping up


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