1 Welcome to Grokking Continuous Delivery


In this chapter

  • understanding why you should care about continuous delivery
  • understanding the history of continuous delivery, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and CI/CD
  • defining the kinds of software that you might be delivering and understanding how continuous delivery applies to them
  • defining the elements of continuous delivery: keeping software in a deliverable state at all times and making delivery easy

Hi there! Welcome to my book! I’m so excited that you’ve decided to not only learn about continuous delivery, but also really understand it. That’s what this book is all about: learning how to make continuous delivery work for you on a day-to-day basis.

Do you need continuous delivery?

The first thing you might be wondering is whether it’s worth your time to learn about continuous delivery, and even if it is, is it worth the hassle of applying it to your projects. The quick answer is yes if the following is true for you:

  • You are making software professionally.
  • More than one person is involved in the project.

If both of those are true for you, continuous delivery is worth investing in. Even if just one is true (you’re working on a project for fun with a group of people, or you’re making professional software solo), you won’t regret investing in continuous delivery.

But wait—you didn’t ask what I’m making. What if I’m working on kernel drivers, or firmware, or microservices? Are you sure I need continuous delivery?


Why continuous delivery?


Continuous delivery




Continuous integration


What do we deliver?




Continuous delivery/deployment


Elements of continuous delivery


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