Chapter 7. Cairngorm in Action: SocialStalkr (Twitter + Yahoo! Maps)


In this chapter, you’ll learn how to build larger Flex applications using a framework called Cairngorm. This is a topic that can only be learned by experience, and it’s best done iteratively. Doing so properly, though, would consume over a hundred pages: in early versions of this book I built this example iteratively over five chapters, explaining Flex as I went. But this approach didn’t fit with the format of the “Hello” series, so I rewrote the book and added the stand-alone examples instead. So, since this chapter covers what used to be explained in five chapters, it will be very code heavy. Instead of building it iteratively, I’m going to show the screenshots of the app, explain the design choices, and then present the end result—explaining the code as I go.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Creating the SocialStalkr project

Getting started with Twitter

Getting started with Yahoo! Maps


Downloading and installing Cairngorm 2.2.1

Cairngorm event sequence overview

Creating the main application

Creating the ModelLocator

Creating the control package

Creating CairngormUtils and ServiceUtils

Creating the TwitterDelegate

Creating the commands

Creating the visual components
