About this book
The Raspberry Pi is a small, low-cost computer invented in the U.K. by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It provides an easy-to-use tool for learning to program in Python. The Raspberry Pi, with its companion memory card, is preloaded with all the software you need to jump into programming in Python. The Raspberry Pi is made for you to learn to code by playing with it. It includes many input and output ports to give you flexibility in how you connect it. Much like a desktop computer, you need to connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and power cable to get started.
This book will teach you how to set up your Raspberry Pi, to write programs in Python, and to use your Raspberry Pi and Python to complete some projects. We’ll cover the basics of Python: displaying text, gathering input, repeating commands, creating logic, as well as using the input and output pins of your Raspberry Pi for projects.
This book does not cover advanced Python topics, nor act as a comprehensive reference for Python. Since it is a book for beginners, these topics have been left out for clarity and brevity. If you’d like to learn more Python, there are links to online resources throughout the book.