Chapter 14. Continuing your journey with Swift


You’ve successfully completed your journey of learning the fundamentals of iOS development with Swift. Great job! Now you may be wondering what comes next.

This chapter covers

  • What to do to continue your journey
  • Which resources to use to continue learning
  • What to learn next

Your last milestone is continuing your journey with Swift. Before you go further, you need to learn one more topic: what you should do to continue your journey from here. To make your journey ahead smoother, I’m breaking this chapter into two main parts: the resources available for you to learn from and what you should learn next using those resources.


Programmers in need of help can turn to lots of resources, both online and physical. I take a look at a few of those resources in the following sections.

liveBook Discussion Forum

On the liveBook Discussion Forum, I’ll try to answer any of the questions you may have that are directly or indirectly related to the content of this book. I’ll also post new updates as Swift and Xcode evolve, as well as some tips and tricks to make your learning easier. I believe that this forum will help answer the questions that all readers have in common, and the questions can also be answered and read by other readers.

Stack Overflow

What’s next?
