1 The Jamstack and Hugo


This chapter covers

  • Jamstack basics for building websites
  • Principles of static site generators
  • Understanding the Hugo static site generator
  • Benefits of the Hugo static site generator
  • Use cases best suited for Jamstack and Hugo

If you have been associated with websites recently or have friends in similar situations, you must know how much work is involved in maintaining a website. It needs DevOps engineers, system administrators, and database architects to keep a website running on the internet. It is a full-time job for an entire team, not just an individual. The upkeep of content is so time-consuming that the creators move at an unprecedented rate to managed hosting services like WordPress.com or even to give away their content to platforms like Medium or Facebook.

1.1 The stack in Jamstack


1.2 How does Jamstack work?


1.3 The JAM in Jamstack


1.3.1 JavaScript


1.3.2 Application programming interfaces (APIs)


1.3.3 Markup


1.4 Why use Jamstack?


1.4.1 Minimal operations


1.4.2 Great performance


1.4.3 Lower costs


1.4.4 Developer productivity


1.4.5 Longevity


1.4.6 Tooling


1.5 When not to use the Jamstack


1.5.1 When there is dynamic data with no historical significance


1.5.2 Building based on user-generated content with transient data


1.5.3 Having user-specific web pages


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