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Dear Reader,

I want to share a secret with you. Investing for Programmers is the product of a revelation I had during one of the most monotonous yet lucrative periods of my career. At the time, I was working as a contractor for a client, slogging through tedious work while enjoying a fantastic pay rate. As I calculated how many more months I would need to keep at it before I could retire and dedicate myself to the things I love, a question kept nagging me: Was there a way to accelerate this timeline?

I had been investing for years, sometimes with intense focus, other times less so, depending on life’s demands. But during this project, I realized something powerful: if I could achieve even slightly better returns by leveraging my programming and analytical skills, the finish line of financial freedom could come much sooner.

As programmers, we already bring so much to the table. Python has become the go-to language for data analysis, and even if your expertise lies in other languages, Python’s versatility and simplicity make it accessible. And as I dug deeper, I discovered how programming could transform investing. To analyze stocks effectively, you need to gather data from diverse sources, compare insights, and construct a thesis grounded in facts and logic. If you’ve worked in tech, you’ve likely seen firsthand how data-driven decisions create value for clients and employers. Why not use those same skills to create value for yourself?


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